Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Stress And Time Management - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 910 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/05/31 Category Management Essay Level High school Tags: Time Management Essay Did you like this example? Stress is a fact of every human life in day to day activities. Stress is a normal psychological reaction when the brain recognizes threats of life (Bernstein, 2016). Stress is both positive and negative stressors. It can help to cope with life challenges. Students suffer from stress on some level. It mainly based on empirical study. This research focuses on stress and time management in college students during their academic studies. Time is an essential resource everyone possesses equally but fails to utilize at the same level due to a variety of reasons. The only asset that cannot be changed or purchased or stored is time itself. The secret to achieving success in life is effectively managing this resource that everyone possesses equally and paying enough emphasis to plan (Scott, 2018). Good time management is essential for everybody, especially for university students whose schedule is often packed with activities and lessons. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Stress And Time Management" essay for you Create order Good time management to reduce stress include techniques such as setting goals, prioritize, determine if you are being proactive or reactive, monitor the use of time, and do not procrastinate can facilitate productivity and minimize stress, contributing to work effectiveness, maintaining balance and academic success (Five Time Management Techniques to Reduce Stress, 2015). From this broadened perspective, people can see that the real value of time management is that it enhances their lives in all dimensions. What people gain from time management is not more time, but a better, lower stress level, life. Time concept is a problem for university students academic life and their social life. In trying to read all the books and chapters assigned, meet paper deadlines, and participate in extracurricular activities, university students may become overwhelmed with feeling that there is not enough time to complete all their work adequately. Good time management behaviors can facilitate productivity and minimize stress (Tresca, n.d.). On the other hand, poor time management behaviors, such as not allocating time properly or last-minute cramming for exams are sources of stress and poor academic performance. The importance of time management and time practices has been increasing day by day and especially there is a lack of studies related to time management and academic achievement (Tresca, n.d.). Time management has been referred to as techniques for managing time a technique for effective time use, planning and allocating time; the degree to which individuals perceive their use of time to be structured and purposive; a technique to increase the time available to pursue activities; self-regulation strategies aimed at discussing plans, and their efficiency (Sloan, 2018). It is argued that time management refers to the process of stacking greater amounts of work and activity into a certain length of time. Additionally, research has reported evidence for the multi-dimensional nature of the time management construct. Time management was conceptualized in terms of short-range planning, time attitudes, and long-range planning (McCarthy, 2018). Not only the matter of time management bothers university students, but also the stress created during the academic years. Stress can be defined as a process in which environment demand strains an organismrs adaptive capacity, resulting in both psychological as well as biological changes that could place a person at risk for illness (Tresca, n.d.). University students might experience high stress due to academic commitments, financial pressures and lack of time management skills. When stress is perceived negatively or becomes excessive, it can affect both health and academic performance. It is important students deal with stress. For those students who do not deal with stress, it could result in feelings of nervousness, unnecessary worrying, and lack of sleep. Certain levels of stress can either enhance or decrease performance (Sloan, 2018). A reasonable amount of stress may be crucial in order to encourage an individual to get the job done (Ingram, LaForge, Avila, Schwepker, Williams, 2017). Also, a certain level of stress may increase performance. Those times when stress pushes you to study hard or cause you to spend more time on a class project can be helpful. However, too much stress may drastically slow down academic success for a college student by impairing memory, an important component of learning. Certain levels of stress are normal, but students need to learn how to manage their stress when it becomes overwhelming. A negative relationship was found between time management and perceived stress. For example, it is found that lower stress levels were most strongly correlated to the factor perceived control of time (Sloan, 2018). This suggests that regardless if one undertakes time management activities and behaviors, such as writing lists and setting goals if they do not perceive to be in control of their time, they will still feel stressed. A negative correlation was found between time management behaviors and perceived academic stress (Sloan, 2018). This would mean that stress levels are decreased among students who manage their time well. Based on the research, it perceives that both time management and stress are significant predictors of academic achievement. Also, the good predictor of academic achievement was found to be the combined effect of time management and perceived stress. This research emphasizes the importance of understanding the role of time management in academic achievement and everyday life to help reduce stress (Five Time Management Techniques to Reduce Stress, 2015). Certainly, students who are unable to manage time well may be at risk for underachievement. In order to remain successful and maintain a low-stress life, one needs to manage time in a fashion that will help them succeed and not fail academically and professionally.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Case Yell Group - 4391 Words
Executive summary 2 PART 1: Valuation of the Yell Group 3 LBO Potential 3 Financial structure 3 Ownership structure 4 Potential cultural differences 4 Valuation 4 PART 2 : Readings 10 Bond prices and takeovers 10 Abnormal Bond Returns 10 Impact on bond returns of different legal standards in case of cross-border acquisitions 11 Sources of financing takeovers 11 References 14 Executive summary The Yell group is consists of BT Yellow Book Yellow Pages USA and several smaller UK based companies. In terms of being a god LBO candidate: * The Yell Group has a well-established position in a growing market generating stable revenue streams that are reasonably recession proof. * The market†¦show more content†¦and Yellow Pages USA being the market-leading independent publisher of yellow pages directories in the USA. The projected EBITDA for BT Yellow Pages in the U.K. and Yellow Pages USA combined should be more than enough to cover the proposed interest expense. This is an important factor in determining the possibility of an LBO. There is a good possibility for an exit strategy as business lines should be relatively easy to divest should the need arise, given that financial buyers are interested in business lines. All-in-all Yell Group has a well-established position in a growing market generating stable revenue streams that are reasonably recession proof, a well-established market position, good possibility for an exit, fulfilling at least two requirements for a good LBO candidate. Financial structure In order to finance the Yell Group buy out a consortium of APAX/Hicks Muse and investment banks had to structure a finance proposal. The two investment banks Merrill Lynch and CIBC World Markets agreed to raise 1.450 billion in debt. This debt consists of 950 million of syndicated senior term loans and 500 million through a bridge loan. This bridge loan where Yell Finance B.V. would be the beneficier had to be refinanced through a high yield offering on the UK and US markets. The 950 million is at different levels directly invested in the operating companies. APAX and Hicks Muse arranged forShow MoreRelatedYell Group Lbo Case2113 Words  | 9 PagesMemo for Valuing Cross-Border LBO of Yell Group Group 5: Li Xiao, Xia Liu, Minghao Gu, Shine Li Table of Contents 1. Purpose and Overview 2. Acquiring Yell Group Is a Good Choice for Apax and Hicks Muse 2.1 Directory Industry has enjoyed fast growth both in U.K. and U.S. 2.2 Yell Group is a good LBO candidate 2.3 Apax and Hicks Muse are experienced media investors 3. Valuation 3.1 Valuation Method 3.2 FCF of BT Yellow Pages 3.3 FCF of Yellow Book USA 3.4 Interest Tax Shield 3Read MoreCognitive Behavioral Intervention Approach1318 Words  | 6 Pagesself-reinforcement, self-control, and self-evaluation (Yell, Meadows, Drasgow, Shriner, 2009). 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Essay for Shift in Marketing Definition -
Question: Write about theEssay for Shift in Marketing Definition. Answer: There has been a shift in the definition of marketing in American Management Association. The paper describes the shift in the definition of marketing between the periods of 1985 to 2004, where it shifted from exchange perspective to value creation (Sheth Uslay, 2007). This assignment will be focusing on the concepts through application to the specific marketing problem with references of real world examples. A detailed understanding of the marketing concepts is provided and an in-depth explanation is given through its application to the specific marketing problems related to it. This information is utilized in the later part for analyzing and evaluating a marketing context. A brief recommendation is provided in the final part of the essay. The concept of exchange had been the fundamental for many decades. It was defined as a way of meeting the societys problem. This exchange framework is a concept that relates the number of exchange with the number of outcomes. Marketing according to this definition is to create exchanges to satisfy individual and organizational goals (Sheth Uslay, 2007). Three types of exchange can be identified broadly by different scholar that are generalized, restricted and complex. The first type of exchange that is generalized exchange denotes the reciprocal relationship among a minimum of three actors in exchange. These actors are related indirectly to each other. Whereas, restricted exchange is the type of exchange that involves only two parties and it represents the reciprocal relationship in-between the parties (Hill Martin, 2014). Last but not the least, the complex type of exchange refers to a system of mutual relationship between at least three parties. It can also be referred as the cha nnel distribution. Generalized and complex exchanges are mostly visible in present day marketing scenario (Achroll Kotler, 2014). Whereas, value creation concept reaches out the aspects of value other than exchange. These other types of values are taken into consideration for value creation for the growth in the business. It also gives a proper explanation for the development and growth of intra and extra-networks (Sheth Uslay, 2007). These non-financial factors that are considered into value creation help the organization to create long-term value. There are certain themes of value creation that supports its definition (Lusch, 2007). Value creation takes place within a context out of which it is meaningless. The financial value of a company is obviously important for a company, but it is insufficient for assessing value creation. The value of an organization is created from both tangible and intangible assets. Value is created utilizing both public and private resources. Purpose off the value creation is to satisfy the needs of the organization and others. Connectivity between wide ranges of factors facilitat es the creation of the value. Various assumptions have been made in due time regarding the shift of marketing paradigm from exchange to value creation. The traditional exchange paradigm of marketing conveyed the message to the customers about the benefits of the products and services in solving problems or to enhance a situation. On the other hand, value creation which introduced the relationship marketing. In this, the organization focuses on the need of the consumer, and provides the product and services to meet that need, which helps them to build up a long term relationship with their customer. This minute detail explains various reasons behind the change that occurred. The market pressure can be identified as the first factor that play crucial role in the change. The Corporate Social Responsibility is the second reason for that is involved in the change of marketing paradigm that can be identified. Present market situation demands the business organizations to look after the societal sustainability and also the sustainability of the company. It also helps the company to differentiate themselves from other similar companies (Suliman, Al-Khatib Thomas, 2016). Pressure or the competition that prevails on the present market scenario led the organizations to think of satisfying the customers and acquire the brand loyalty to survive in the market. It differs from the traditional market as the marchent company had the dominating power in the market. At present time, the customers are the dominating factors as they have plenty of options in hand to meet their satisfaction. For example, Amazon is a big name in the e-commerce industry around the globe. On the other hand, Netflix, Google, eBay and are present in the international market challenging Amazon in their business process (Grnroos Voima, 2013). Hence, to maintain the customer base and loyalty, the marketing team of the company has to focus on the value creation by different means. The business strategy of the present day needs to incorporate themselves into the lives of the customers and seek out the requirements of the customers. Moreover, one time exchange is no more the focus of the o rganizations. As the dominating power is shifted from the merchant organizations to the customer due to the abundance of available companies, the marketing team of the organization is in tension of increasing the brand value of the customers by several means. One of the important ways of creating value is to provide the customers the opportunity to provide feedback. It helps the company to deal with the issue faced by the customer and provide the best possible value for their product (Tantalo Priem, 2016). The CSR policies that are implemented in different companies are to supplement the value creation of the company. The degradation of the society is the prime reason for the companies to adopt a proper CSR policy to maintain the sustainability of both the company and the society in order to continue their business in the target market (Tai Chuang, 2014). For instance, if the resources used by the company to manufacture their product are in danger, it will be a problem for them to maintain their business. On the other hand, the company requires new and innovative way to manufacture and deliver their products to the customer in a more efficient and cost effective way. For instance, Unilever invented the drier that consumes less water in operation which supplements the sustainability of the company. It differentiates the company from other companies selling similar products that is the value creation of the company. It helps them to increase their sells in respect to other competitors i n the market. In conclusion, we can state that the shift of the paradigm from the exchange to the value creation was absolute necessary for the marketing. The traditional way of marketing seemed to have limitations that required change in earliest attention. The market competition can be considered as the primary factor that facilitated the change. The value creation helps an organization to attend more exchange than just the economic one. Moreover, the use of CSR policy as an integrated part of an organization has direct impact on value creation. It facilitates the cause of the change in the paradigm. References Achroll, R. S., Kotler, P. (2014). The service-dominant logic for marketing.The service-dominant logic of marketing: Dialog, debate, and directions,320. Grnroos, C., Voima, P. (2013). Critical service logic: making sense of value creation and co-creation.Journal of the academy of marketing science,41(2), 133-150. Hill, R. P., Martin, K. D. (2014). Broadening the paradigm of marketing as exchange: a public policy and marketing perspective.Journal of Public Policy Marketing,33(1), 17-33. Lusch, R. F. (2007). Marketing's evolving identity: defining our future.Journal of Public Policy Marketing,26(2), 261-268. Sheth, J. N., Uslay, C. (2007). Implications of the revised definition of marketing: from exchange to value creation.Journal of Public Policy Marketing,26(2), 302-307. Suliman, A. M., Al-Khatib, H. T., Thomas, S. E. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility.Corporate Social Performance: Reflecting on the Past and Investing in the Future, 15. Tai, F. M., Chuang, S. H. (2014). Corporate social responsibility.Ibusiness,6(03), 117. Tantalo, C., Priem, R. L. (2016). Value creation through stakeholder synergy.Strategic Management Journal,37(2), 314-329.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Lying to an nco free essay sample
Ensley, Paul S. A few days ago, I SPC Ensley, was caught lying to SGT Henshaw about, my whereabouts, why I did not contact him before, or when I was leaving, and as well as my reason for hiding that information in the first place. I should not have attempted to withhold that information, and give out false information on where I was, and why I, SPC Ensley, wasnt honest about it when SGT Henshaw asked in the first place. I had no reason to lie, nor did I show any hint of any of the army values that an enlisted military personnel who is a non commissioned officer in training would normally portray to younger, more impressionable soldiers in our unit. Lying to a non commissioned officer can be punished by UCMJ action due to the following reasons. Article 91: Insubordinate conduct toward a non-commissioned officer (you failed to obey the order in this case the order to contact SGT Henshaw before leaving post and who I was going with) , punished by 1 year confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (willfully disobeying an NCOs order). We will write a custom essay sample on Lying to an nco or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Failure to Obey a Lawful Order (Sgt Henshaw ordered me to tell the truth, and I didnt), punished by dishonorable discharge, 2 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (if the situation involved a general order). BCD 6 month confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (for the failure to tell the NCO the truth). Article 107: False Official Statements (told a lie when asked of my whereabouts), punished by 5 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances . Disloyal Statements (prejudicial to the good order and discipline), punished by 3 years confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances (statements needed). Article 134: False Swearing (you took an oath and then lied), punished by Dishonorable Discharge, 3 year confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances. Article 134: Obstructing Justice (you lied to hide wrongdoing), punished by Dishonorable Discharge, 5 year confinement, forfeiture of all pay and allowances. Lying to a non commissioned officer shows disrespect to the NCO, The definition of disrespect is lack of respect, discourtesy, or rudeness. In the United States Military, there are rules and regulations you must follow, one of them being respect to a non commissioned officer. No matter the circumstance, whether you agree or not, you are not allowed to talk back, physically fight back, or question judgment. If this does happen, there are consequences and repercussions from the actions taken on your part. Uniformed Code of Military Justice states that you can ultimately be separated, honorably or dishonorably for actions taken on your part. You can also receive an article fifteen, which takes your hard earned money away from you and your family. It also will take any free time you may have, and can also limit your travel by telling you where you are allowed to go. The importance of maintaining correct protocol and Military bearing on and off duty, is essential because to show disrespect to an NCO when in uniform could cause disrespect among civilians about the military in general. Any disrespect towards my leaders, from team leader on up to Sergeant Major of the Army, along with the Platoon Leader on up to the Army Chief of Staff, or the President of the United States, can have a negative effect on the Morale and Welfare of those around me, junior or senior. If a Soldier who is junior to me sees my behavior, he may believe that I, being a Specialist, am right because I outrank him. Then this soldier is also doing the same things I am because he thinks he can. Now because this behavior has been passed on, the leaders will have a harder time dealing with their soldiers. This should include leaving non work-related issues at home, and away from the workplace because they can get in the way of performing my duties as a soldier, especially when the disagreement is with another soldier, or an NCO. I am a Specialist, a rank earned by showing that I have the knowledge to â€Å"specialize†in my field.
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