Sunday, May 24, 2020
Internship Assessment Counselor of Domestic and Substance...
Internship Assessment Internship Assessment My internship as a counselor of domestic and substance abuse was challenging and practical. I came into contact with domestic violence defendants, substance abuse defendants, as well as DUI first second time offenders. These are people who have problems with impulse control, some emotional instability, and people who need to reevaluate how they make their choices. Having an internship in this environment and with these populations helped me realized what natural skills I have in the area of counseling and in which areas I need to improve as I continue my education and career. The experience I had in my internship solidified my interest in pursuing a career in counseling. This internship provided me with very practical insight and experiences into the work life of a counselor with these kinds of populations. I have a much clearer idea of what kind of demands would be upon me professionally and personally. My internship experience ultimately put me in a better position from which to decide in which direction my career path will go. I have a natural ability to connect with the people to whom I provide services. I am a strong and active listener. I have an innate and fairly accurate sense of character. These traits help me assess the clients during intake and during treatment. What I lack is a theoretical background and approach in my work. I need to become more literate in the theoretical branches of counseling, withShow MoreRelatedSocial Work Career And Job Search1193 Words  | 5 Pagessetting. The down side of all this growth is that a great deal of th ese social workers will be employed by government agencies and due to state and federal budgets, funding for these programs may become limited. Employees in the mental health and substance abuse fields can expect a growth of approximately 23% from 2012 to 2022, as well. Types of degrees required in the social work field. 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